EquiVault The Vault.png


I love helping people in all aspects of life, and where I am personally most knowledgeable and experienced is in the world of Show Jumping. Seeing hard working riders attain success, watching a young rider naturally pick up concepts, helping an amateur have that breakthrough they've been struggling with for years; these are the moments that a coach loves.

This applies equally to the magnificent horses I get to work with every day. Seeing a worried horse relax as the rider's aids are altered, watching their canter become balanced and powerful, helping them to jump in their best form at every fence; I am so grateful that I get to experience all of this and so much more. 

This is why I created The Vault. This online resource of Show Jumping lessons is a product of my 45 years of experience with horses. There are over 100 lessons already in The Vault and a new one added every week. These easy to understand, mobile-friendly, trainer/horse/rider exercises have been drawn from my experiences with top professionals all around the world. I've been lucky to work with Masters such as Beezie Madden, Ian Millar, Michael Matz, Eric Lamaze, Hap Hansen, Karen Healey, Mac Cone, Laura Balisky, Richard Keller, John French, Richard Spooner, Mario Deslauriers, Bernie Traurig,  and many more. My mother was one of the best coaches in North America and my father's career as a Hall of Fame cowboy taught me so much about horsemanship and respecting these wonderful partners.

I have taken all of these experiences and created an innovative learning system for you. This program is truly for everyone. From riders to trainers, from young horses to Grand Prix, from people just starting out to getting ready for Maclay Finals, there is something here for all. 

If you have suggestions for what you would like to see in the future, please contact us. With over 100 lessons ready to learn from today, we are just getting started with The Vault. The objective is to provide top quality yet affordable education to assist all the riders out there; making a better experience and life for the horses we love.

- Jay Duke



Unlock your potential.